Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sorry for Slacking

I know you have all been checking my blog multiple times a day wondering what's going on, so I apologize for the lack of blogging lately. : ) Since we aren't traveling throughout Europe anymore, we rarely take pictures. Therefore, this post will be a comprehensive update on the past few months.

I am working full-time at Carrabbas in Houston while taking some weekend classes in Nashville. Yes, I am flying back and forth. Yes, it is a little pricey. Yes, it is tiring at times. BUT, I am so happy to be able to start the program now. I am completing my concentration classes which are in Conflict Resolution. I will graduate with an MBA with a certificate in Conflict Resolution, which is my concentration. Each class is completed in 2 weekends with class all day on Friday and Saturday. The time passes quickly becuase of group exercises, and that also helps keep me awake! I really enjoy working at Carrabbas. My co-workers and customers are great, and I am making the most of this opportunity.

Michael started back to school a couple of weeks ago. He is taking a few classes and has also committed to teach an undergraduate course this year. So, for those of you who may not have made the connection...that means we are living in Houston until May. Speaking of living arrangements, we are still spoiled rotten by the Wrights, who have opened their home to us. It is really neat to see how well this situation is because it has been very smooth and easy. When I say we are living with a family from church, people are surprised that they are not family (but letting us live with them) and that we all get along so well. I don't know if they (the Wrights) will ever know how much we appreciate them, but we'll try to let them know.

I have been in Nashville this weekend, and I am once again reminded of how great it is to be around family and friends. And, I will be back in 4 days for another exciting round of class! That's all for now, and I'll try to have pictures next time.


dw hicks said...

How fun that y'all are at the Wright's house. Love them! And yes, post pictures!

Rebecca Kutz said...

Wow! I can't believe you're flying back and forth but hopefully it'll totally be worth it! You have such a positive outlook, which is so refreshing! Hope all is well!
Lots of love, Rebecca

Anonymous said...

Who hasn't stayed in the Wright Hotel? Good for you getting your MBA, it will be over before you know it.